Redesigning the Mono experience
Design | Igor Plac

Redesigning the Mono experience

Thursday, Jan 8, 2015 • 2 min read
A story on how we redesigned our brand experience, and why it is important for us as well as for our community.

We decided it’s time for a change. A change in the way we communicate with our clients, developers and the community, and in the way we present ourselves. It has been a rough ride to redesign our established processes and workflows, but we think we did a good job and made a big step forward.

Not only did we redesign our visual presence, but we also tried to improve the communication towards our stakeholders, to give extra value to the people that enable us to do great work.

Presenting ourselves

The initial step for achieving better communication was redesigning the way we present Mono to the world. The time was right for redesigning our visual identity so it reflects our company values:

  1. Great products and code
  2. Human centric design
  3. Quality as a tradition

Remembering the past, thinking for the future

We have done a lot of desk research and discussions on the logical evolutionary steps for our visual identity. The result was clear — we wanted to keep the core idea of a “pixel” that was a cornerstone of our old visual identity. It is a good representation of the digital world, but we felt it did not represent our brand good enough on its own - however, we’ve decided to use it as a core element of the new design. The pixel, along with the blue color scheme was way too cold and generic, so that had to go away. To achieve a warmer, more human approach we changed our brand colors to vibrant red and elegant black.

Old logo

Logo construction

New logo


Design as a core service

Design is taken seriously in Mono. We have established and refined design processes from inside out, delivering great user experiences to our clients and their users. Our projects such as Baasic, MonoX and have been given a great deal of attention and provide a glimpse of what is yet to come.

Engaging our own people

Mono has great people that write quality code and design great apps. We carefully designed our online presence to engage them to create value and write about their work on our new blog. See who’s behind it at our new About us page.

Opening up to the community

Redesigning our brand experience is another step in opening our core team to the community and the public in general. We are organizing conferences, giving speeches and teaching people how to design and code. And that’s only a start: together with our new products and services, we hope the best things are still ahead of us. Let us know how you like the new Mono visual presence.