Wednesday, Aug 3, 2016

Baasic beta now opened
Most of our regular visitors know that we’ve been working on a new product for the past couple of years. Many of them frequently ask is this is going to be a successor to MonoX and which features it is going to include. Well, the wait is finally over. We have been publishing information about it on the dedicated site, but the time has come to see it in person.
Here is a short introduction to this new product/service: Baasic provides a standard set of backend features - after all, BaaS in its name does not stand for nothing. For those of you not familiar with this term, please refer to our introductory article. However, this is only a beginning: Baasic hits a sweet spot on the intersection of today’s BaaS solutions, content management systems and modern application frameworks. It offers end-to-end functionality for web and mobile application development that is not tied to a particular programming language and development framework.
Most importantly, it comes with a set of frontend modules written in today’s most popular client-side javascript frameworks (like AngularJS), supports emerging standards (like Web components, and we already have some sample code for it) and fully supports all modern server-side development environments. It is a cross-breed of a lightweight BaaS and cloud-based CMS, allowing you to quickly add user membership, content editing and social networking functionality to your Web sites and applications, regardless of the technology used in the first place.
It allows you to pick only the pieces of functionality you really need and combine them in a way that makes sense in your domain, relieving you from the grunt work involved in writing all applications. You can take a complete control of application infrastructure and architecture, while using your existing tools and following your standard development practices. It can even be used with static HTML-based sites, allowing you to add complex functionality to what would otherwise be a plain-old Web site running in static hosting environment.
It can be difficult to grasp the full meaning of this concept just by reading about it. That’s why we invite you to join our freshly opened beta program. Please let us know if you want to join our community of testers - your feedback will shape the way we build things, and we will even provide some goodies for your hard work.
Even if you don’t have time to join the beta program, please feel free to send us your feedback and thoughts via Baasic Support or Twitter.