Wednesday, Jul 29, 2020

A simple and nice list Sass mixin using em-en dashes
The default browser styles for the bulleted lists are a bit boring and not really pretty. Let’s fix that up with a quick Sass mixin by using em dashes before the text.
Let’s set up some basic variables first. The $list-nice-dash is an option between an en-dash and an em-dash respectively. Use $list-nice-generate-html-class variable for HTML class generation for the list (for further reuse).
$list-nice-dash: "em-dash"; // or "en-dash"
$list-nice-generate-html-class: true;
And here goes the mixin. It utilised the CSS ::before pseudo element and a content attribute to add dashes before the text in the list.
@mixin list-nice($dash: $list-nice-dash) {
list-style: none none;
position: relative;
padding: 0; // reset normalize.css padding
& > * {
padding-left: 2em;
margin-bottom: 1em;
&:before {
position: absolute;
left: .3em;
@if $dash == em-dash {
& > * {
&:before {
content: ‘\2014';
@if $dash == en-dash {
& > * {
&:before {
content: ‘\2013';
I’ve used the * selector to make the mixin reusable on UL’s, OL’s and DL’s, also on other elements that need to look like a nice list.
To output the CSS class in the .css file we use a simple @if and @include the mixin in the class. Really simple stuff.
@if $list-nice-generate-html-class == true {
.list-nice {
@include list-nice;
That’s about it, as simple as that.