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All posts tagged with "html".

A first in the series of articles on Static Site Generators and Jamstack, explaining why they might be the right choice for your next web project, …

Denis Susac | Friday, Jan 27, 2023

Nice vertical alignment of the column based content can be difficult to achieve using only HTML/CSS, but here's a simple and elegant solution using …

Ivan Basic | Wednesday, Jul 29, 2020

You've never used it, never heard of it, don't know how it works? It seems like the right time to introduce yourself to print CSS.

Pavle Vlainic | Thursday, Dec 8, 2016

If you don't need big, complex CSS grid systems, here's an easy way to build your own - using flexbox.

Ivan Basic | Friday, Dec 2, 2016

Every major browser platform supports @font-face syntax, except Internet Explorer Mobile on Windows Phone 7.5.This problem can be resolved using …

Ivan Basic | Sunday, Mar 10, 2013