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All posts tagged with "csharp".

U sklopu CodeCamp projekta udruge Osijek Software City održano je predavanje o višeslojnim arhitekturama u .NETu.

Kristijan Horvat | Friday, Nov 13, 2015

U sklopu CodeCamp projekta udruge Osijek Software City održano je predavanje o Dependency Injection tehnologijama u praksi.

Kristijan Horvat | Thursday, Feb 26, 2015

U sklopu CodeCamp-a, 25. veljače u prostoru Coworkinga (BIOS), s početkom u 16:30 održava se predavanje o praktičnim tehnikama Dependency Injection-a.

Kristijan Horvat | Monday, Feb 23, 2015

Even though there is an MVC 4 template that contains membership functionality, there are scenarios in which you will want to start from scratch. This …

Dalibor Mesaric | Tuesday, May 7, 2013